Dare to Be: Giving | Bobblehead #daretobe #djshawna #shorts

Dare To Be: Giving | Bobblehead

If we all do a little, we can help a lot.

Remember, everyone is going through their own journey and has a story.

I hope these videos inspire you, challenge you, make you smile, laugh, cry, think differently, take a step back or even 3 steps forward…
Dare To Be!

To inspire you to be YOUR best self.

Want to bring home your OWN DJ Shawna bobblehead and help our neighbors? Grab your bobblehead here: https://store.bobbleheadhall.com/products/djshawna

Scoop your Dare To Be Merch here: daretobeclothing.com

#djshawna #daretobevideoseries #communityadvocate #community #dj #djlife #thinkdifferent #bedifferent #communityoutreach #leadwithlove #BeLikeBrian

Video: @JCastle007 with @Plummovingmedia