There are 4 potential bobblehead spawns & 3 potential magazine spawns at Camden Park in the Ash Heap region.
Potential Vault-Tec bobblehead spawns:
*Near the Camden Park Express, under the “Minor Miner Zone” sign, in a train car by a skeleton
*In the metal employee building, on a filing cabinet by the desk with the terminal on it
*In the middle of the Widowmaker ride, inside the raider camp, on a barrel by the green plastic outhouse
*On the summit of the Widowmaker’s first rise, above the crashed rollercoaster cars, in the shack
Potential magazine spawns:
*North of the “Sugar Heaps” trading post, under the boarded-up ice cream stall, on the deck by the fallen magazine display, near the ice cream sign. Vendor bot Chad is nearby
*In the middle of the Widowmaker ride, on the north side of the raider camp, inside the green plastic outhouse
*On the Widowmaker ride, in the next to last cart of the stalled roller coaster train (the horizontal train, not the vertical one near the hut), on the seat next to the checker tie Mr. Fuzzy
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