Location of All Cheeseburger Bobbleheads (Mint Condition) Side Mission Walkthrough Guide – Far Cry 5

Holland Valley (John’s Region)
0:57 Bradbury Tractor Shed (Cheeseburger Bobblehead #1)
1:27 St. Isidore School (Cheeseburger Bobblehead #2)
Henbane River (Faith’s region)
2:09 Feeney Residence (Cheeseburger Bobblehead #3)
2:38 8-Bit Pizza Bar (Cheeseburger Bobblehead #4)
Whitetail Mountains (Jacob’s Region)
2:59 Lansdowne Airstrip (Cheeseburger Bobblehead #5)
3:17 Baron Lumber Mill (Cheeseburger Bobblehead #6)
3:42 Whitetail Park Ranger Station (Cheeseburger Bobblehead #7)
4:04 Whitetail Park Visitor Center (Cheeseburger Bobblehead #8)
4:31 South Park Entrance (Cheeseburger Bobblehead #9)
4:51 Near Grand View Hotel (Cheeseburger Bobblehead #10)
Mint Condition is a side mission in Far Cry 5 given to the deputy by Dave Fowler, near Fowler’s Retreat in the Whitetail Mountains.

This mission will have players traveling across Hope County to find Cheeseburger Bobbleheads.

Dave Fowler lives in a hidden cabin near Widow’s Creek. While his brother, Wade ran the F.A.N.G. Center and cared for the animals, Dave ran the merchandise shop. According to Dave, their bobbleheads of local mascot and celebrity Cheeseburger were one of the best-sellers, and Dave wants to cash in on the recent cult takeover-induced shortage of merchandise and sell them online for large prices.

The catch is that the cultists have stolen them, and Dave (correctly) assumes they are all over Hope County by now.

Dave still happens to have one on the table, so players can see what they’re looking for.

After talking to Dave to start the mission, players will now be able to purchase a map that reveals their locations from the general shop for $1,200.

After returning to Dave, he will collect the merchandise, and send the deputy on their merry way.