Bobblehead Albert Einstein

bobblehead einstein

Albert Einstein was a renowned scientist who helped shape our understanding of the world. He was the father of quantum physics, a founder of the atomic theory, and a Nobel Prize winner in physics.

As a child, he revealed an extraordinary curiosity for understanding the mysteries of science. In his Special Theories of Relativity, he discovered the famous equation EURoee=mc2 which unlocked the mysteries of the Universe that were previously unknown.

He was also the creator of the photoelectric effect, which is used in modern day holograms and displays for a variety of scientific experiments. In addition, he is the subject of numerous works of popular culture.


Many of the popular films and TV shows that feature Einstein as an icon show him in a less serious, light-hearted manner. These include Little Einsteins, which is a children’s television series; Baby Einstein, a multimedia franchise that includes direct-to-video programs, CDs, books and toys; and Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian, which features plastic bobbleheads that are on display behind glass at the Air and Space Museum in Washington, D.C.

The CW’s “Out of Time” makes use of Einstein for its goofy blend of time travel and superheroes (it’s actually pretty good, by the way). He’s even a regular character on “Legends of Tomorrow” when his fellow scientist Dr. Stein visits him in 1942 New York City and gets a chance to meet his hero.

As of this writing, the Hebrew University is still attempting to commercialize his likeness through various merchandise, and is claiming the rights to his publicity. But is that what Einstein would have wanted? Some lawyers have called the University’s actions a form of grave robbery.