Fallout 3: Science Bobblehead Guide

In Fallout 3, the Science Bobblehead is found in Vault 106. In this video I will show you how to get the Science Bobblehead in Fallout 3. Trapped In Fallout – Easy Route To The Science Bobblehead Fallout 3. I find myself trapped in Vault 106 and to my surprise that’s where I found the Science Bobblehead. Once you get it, it will grant a permanent increase of 10 points to your Science skill.

0:00 What is Science Bobblehead?
0:06 Where is the Vault 106?
0:40 Enter the Vault?
0:53 Liner path to Living Quaters?
1:30 Enter the Living Quaters?
1:41 Take the left path to the end of the corridor?
2:12 Science bobblehead location?

I’m Mo and I’m Trapped in Fallout. I explore the wasteland and create guides just for you.

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