Fallout 76 Bobblehead List

bobblehead list fallout 76

Bobbleheads are a unique feature of Fallout 76 that will help players to get a temporary buff when they need it. This can be handy for players that need to tip a mission in their favor, or those who want to take down a tough boss with extra firepower.

Bobblehead Locations in Fallout 76

There are several Bobblehead locations across the map in Fallout 76. They can be found in the smallest corners of buildings, or high up on pipes that you might never even notice.

Unlike in previous games, where bobbleheads were fixed to specific locations on the map, they spawn randomly throughout the game world. This means that they aren’t always spotted at the same time, and even when they do appear, another player can pick them up first.

One of the most common bobblehead spawns in Fallout 76 is located in Morgantown High School. There is a chance to find a bobblehead inside the boy’s restroom in the back of the school.

The location isn’t marked on the map, but it can be accessed by going eight squares west of Megaton and one square west of Smith Casey’s Garage. To reach the Bobblehead, open the boulder that rests over it and enter it like you would a door.

Vault-Tec Bobbleheads

The Vault-Tec Bobbleheads are one of the most iconic features of the Fallout series. Fans have fond memories of hunting them down across post-apocalyptic wastelands or finding them at the end of a long and hard quest. The Bobbleheads are an integral part of the series, so it’s no wonder that Bethesda wanted to make sure they were easy to find in Fallout 76.