How a Bobblehead Dog is Made

bobblehead dog

If you’ve been to a baseball game lately you might have seen a bobblehead dog. These miniature dachshunds have become a staple of the sport’s tradition and it’s no wonder, they’re adorable. But they didn’t always find fame like this. They saw a resurgence in the 1990s thanks to an advertisement from German gas station chain Aral that featured the nodding dogs. The campaign led to 500,000 being sold in less than a year.

But even though these dachshund toys rose to prominence in the US, they actually began finding fame in Germany long before that. The dachshund is a popular symbol in the country and they’ve been loved for centuries. And now they’re making a comeback thanks to a new type of technology.

Custom bobbleheads are made by hand to your exact specifications. Each doll is unique and takes a lot of time to make. It’s important to understand this process before placing your order.

While we do offer revisions, the more changes you request, the longer it will take to finish your bobbleheads. This is because the next template molding, baking and painting design stages will be started for each one of the revisions you request. So please think carefully and ask for the right number of revisions before beginning the sculpting and painting designs. We will do our best to meet the timeline you select but this is not guaranteed. If you need more details about the timeline, please visit our FAQ page.