Resident Evil 7 Bobblehead Guide

bobblehead resident evil 7

Bobbleheads are a fun way to collect items in Resident Evil 7. The game has more than 20 of them and finding each one will unlock a special trophy or achievement. The collectibles can also be found around the game in various locations. This guide will show you where to find each one in the game and how to find them in order.

You must first find a way to get to the next area. In the Main Hall, Ethan will need to solve a shadow puzzle to find the way through a dark passage. After this, Ethan will reach the Drawing Room, where a crow hangs from a ledge above the door. You can also see a bobblehead lying on the floor of the window.

The game also contains a Bobblehead called Mr. Everywhere. This collectible is found in the game’s secret locations. Collecting them will reward you with a special hat, gun, or knife. The collectibles can be used as keys to unlock certain areas or to unlock special achievements.

There are two ways to collect the bobbleheads in Resident Evil 7. You can find them in random places or by finding them in hidden places. Some are easy to find while others can be found in dark corners. You can also get two achievements or trophies for collecting them. But keep in mind that they will not provide stat boosts to Ethan.

Another way to find the bobblehead is in Lucas’ testing room. After completing the testing area, you can now get to the boss area. In this area, you can find a bobblehead on the fence post. You can also find it in the boathouse. But be careful – it’s easy to shoot the bobblehead if you don’t know where to look for it.

Once you’ve found the snake key, you can find the bobblehead in the main house. This will allow you to shoot it. You can find it by bypassing the Shadow Puzzle in the Main Hall. You can also find the bobblehead in Zoe’s trailer. This is where the second key is located.

You can also find the bobblehead in a large open space before entering the lab. It can be hidden behind a cardboard box. Another way to find the statue is to look in a bucket. A similar method can be used in the basement. You can also find the bobblehead inside a safe house.